€6.6 million in support of the Libyan population


The European Commission has provided a new assistance package for Libya worth a total of €6.6 million. This support is financed under the European Neighbourhood Instrument in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy.

Through this support, the EU confirms its continuous support to the Libyan population in helping them to increase access to health services and in supporting youth in this extremely volatile situation. It consists of two programmes, support to the health sector with a goal to improve the health care provision efficiency in Libya and support to the Libyan youth, with the aim of enhancing adolescents’ and young people’s active role in society. This programme aims at enhancing adolescents’ and young people’s active role in society.

High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini said: “Many Libyans have bravely decided to join the forces for the sake of their country and by signing the agreement in Schirat they have made a first and very positive step in putting Libya on the path to peace and stability. While the future of their country is most of all in the hands of the Libyans, the international community has the duty to support their efforts. Now we turn our promises into action. The EU has always been concretely at the side of the Libyan people in these difficult years and will continue to do so: the Libyans have been suffering from the crisis for far too long. It’s time to turn the page”.

Commissioner Hahn said: We have been saying all along that once there is agreement to move forward towards a Government of National Accord, the European Commission would be ready with its assistance to support the people of Libya. This package is the beginning, a sign of our commitment to accompany the process of transition“.


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