Progress following Western Balkans Route Leaders’ Meeting: Tenth Contact Points Video Conference


This afternoon, a tenth video conference was held between the contact points nominated after the Western Balkans Route Leaders’ Meeting held on 25 October. The objective was to follow up on the agreement reached at the meeting and set out in the Leaders’ Statement.

This afternoon, a tenth video conference was held between the contact points nominated after the Western Balkans Route Leaders’ Meeting held on 25 October. The objective was to follow up on the agreement reached at the meeting and set out in the Leaders’ Statement. Senior officials from the countries and agencies present at the meeting had a detailed discussion on recent trends concerning external borders and reception capacity:

Leaders’ Statement Point 13 on border management:

A broad discussion on the different border protection points allowed for an exchange of information between the countries and organisations on the call, including the following key points:

  • Frontex informed the group of the launch on 28 December of the new operation “Poseidon Rapid Intervention” with the deployment of 293 officers and 15 vessels to the Greek islands. An additional 200 officers are expected to be deployed by mid-January. Over 100 of the officers currently deployed are supporting with registration and identification.
  • Participants discussed the need to improve and accelerate return and readmission procedures.
  • The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia provided updates on the strengthening of the management of the external land border and the deployment of border guards from other States at the border with Greece.

Leaders’ Statement Points 5 and 6 relating to support and shelter to refugees:

UNHCR provided an update on the progress of the delivery of the 20,000 reception places which will be provided via voucher scheme with selected implementing partners in Greece as part of the 50,000 additional reception places to be provided. 1000 places should be made available by end 2015 and an additional 3000 by mid-January 2016.

 Leaders’ Statement Point 9 relating to ongoing information exchange:

Participants discussed the need to step up the exchange of information on cross-border movements.

Leaders’ Statement Point 15 on tackling smuggling and trafficking:

Participants discussed the need to step up the fight against criminal networks and address the issue of forged documents. Cooperation with Europol should be increased in this regards.

The group will reconvene again on 6 January for the next weekly video conference, and will continue their bilateral contacts in the meantime to ensure full communication, coordination and cooperation to address the migration flows and to ensure humane treatment of those seeking asylum in Europe.


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