Mogherini in Sarajevo: Decision of Bosnian parliament is ‘historic’


EU High Representative Federica Mogherini in Sarajevo hailed Bosnian parliament’s vote on a declaration pledging support to country’s EU accession process, saying it was “a historic decision”, but warned that it was just a beginning and that there was a lot of work ahead.

“This is the decision on behalf of many in Bosnia and Herzegovina who desire their country to move forward on its path towards the European Union. I want to congratulate you today on your vote for the European future of your country,” Mogherini told the MPs.

She said it was time for Bosnia and Herzegovina to move forward.

“You do not have the luxury of repeating old political stalemates time and again,” she said.

The endorsement of the Written Commitment by the Parliament enables Bosnia and Herzegovina to finally take a step towards joining the European Union, Mogherini said.

“This could be a historical turning point for all of us, not only here in Sarajevo, but for all Europe,” she said, adding that she would “propose an exchange of views in the Council of the European Union on the entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

However, she warned that “this is still only the beginning. You know very well that more has to be done before it can be possible to apply for European Union membership.”

“We need focus on concrete work.  It’s not the European Union, but the fact that 60% of young people in this country are without a job. That is the real incentive for real reforms. It’s not Brussels asking, it’s the people of this country asking,”  she added.

The adopted declaration was previously signed by Bosnia’s presidency and the leaders of all main political parties in the country.

The declaration states that Bosnia and Herzegovina is committed to its EU path and pledges a series of economic reforms in the country.

Integral version of Mogherini’s speech read here

Mogherini’s remarks at the end of the visit


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