Mogherini to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina on 23 February


High Representative Federica Mogherini will visit Sarajevo on Monday 23 February as the country prepares to take a step forward on its EU integration path. During her visit Mogherini will meet the members of the BiH Presidency and the leadership of both houses of the state level Parliament. She will then, upon invitation of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, attend and address a joint session of both Houses of the Parliament.

Mogherini will also meet the Presidents of the entities Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH, and the Chairman-designate of the BiH Council of Ministers and the two incoming entity Prime Ministers.

Commenting ahead of her visit, Mogherini said: “Bosnia and Herzegovina – and above all its people – deserve to move closer to the European Union and get the benefits this process will bring.

The EU-related reforms will help address the fragile socio-economic situation in the country and spur jobs and investment. Good progress has been made so far in developing the written commitment to the EU agenda. Endorsement by the Parliament would open the way for the EU to take a decision on putting the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between us and BiH into full force.”

Read the full press release online.


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