In May 2014, Serbia was affected by heavy rainfall causing severe floods in many municipalities. Having in mind that municipality of Obrenovac was most affected by May 2014 floods, EU programme for flood relief focused mainly on this municipality
In May 2014, Serbia was affected by heavy rainfall causing severe floods in many municipalities. Having in mind that municipality of Obrenovac was most affected by May 2014 floods, EU programme for flood relief focused mainly on this municipality
Today, students and teachers from nine high schools in Serbia, who had participated in pilot campaign on media literacy, were…
The European Commission published today a Flash Eurobarometer on “Possible obstacles to using the euro in international trade” as perceived by companies in France, Germany, Italy and the UK in the aircraft and shipbuilding, energy, financial services, and electrical and mechanical engineering industries.
€12 million EU grant will support construction of electricity interconnector between Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Today (22/02/2016) at the Western Balkans Investment Summit in London, in the presence of all regional prime ministers, the European Commission has confirmed its intention to provide a €12 million grant…
In a crisis like today, which affects the war-torn countries of origin, the people looking for safety, but also the host societies and their citizens, we have a rising and increasingly developed criminal network, which not only abuses this crisis and the vulnerability of people, but also makes huge profits.
The Juncker Commission’s top priority is to get Europe growing again and to increase the number of jobs without creating new debt. The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) – the heart of the Investment Plan for Europe – and European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) both play a crucial role in creating jobs and growth.
A new report published today by the European Commission examines how European countries teach and promote entrepreneurship in schools. Entrepreneurship skills involve a full range of competences needed to adapt to a constantly changing economy and competitive labour market, such as an entrepreneurial mind-set, creativity, problem-solving, teamwork, languages or communication.
Two films supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA programme were awarded a Silver Bear at the 66th Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale), one of the world’s leading film festivals.
Kovacica, being a multilingual and multi-ethnic community is indeed Europe in miniature and despite the fact that each nationality has…
Today we have again witnessed the obstruction of the Assembly work, detrimental for the institutional life and for the citizens of Kosovo.