The construction of social housing building located in 5 Djackog bataljona street and a satellite unit of elementary school “Drazevac” in the neighbourhood Poljane kicked off thanks to EU funding provided through EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia Programme.
Author EUinfo Admin

On the occasion of the informal European Council meeting in Malta yesterday (12 November), and following the Valletta Summit, President…

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker launched today with other EU Member States and other European donors the EU’s Emergency Trust…

We have had two days of frank and productive discussions here in Valletta on the important subject of migration. I…

We, the participants to the Valletta Summit on Migration recall the Joint Africa-EU Declaration on Migration and Development of 2006,…

I am happy to see so many of us here in Valletta today to discuss migration between our continents. I…

Yesterday, a third video conference took place between the contact points (see Annex) nominated after the Western Balkans Route Leaders’…

Generally speaking, the Report on Serbia is positive, although it notes information leakage from investigations into the media, non-transparency of…

The European Commission welcomes the commitment of the European Union to scaling up public funding for climate financing in the…

Traditionally, the EU is the most important trading partner of Serbia. About 2/3 of total Serbian exchange in goods is…