On 4 November, a second video conference was held between the contact points (see Annex) nominated after the Western Balkans…
On 4 November, a second video conference was held between the contact points (see Annex) nominated after the Western Balkans…
Mirko Đurić, member of Smederevo City Council, said the distribution of mineral compost worth 4.3 million dinars, given to the farmers from the European Union funds within the programme “EU Assistance to Flooded Areas in Serbia.”
Opening speech by Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Check Against Delivery Distinguished guests, ladies and…
A panel discussion “Free Legal Help for Roma – what has been achieved so far and what is ahead of…
The European Commission will give €62 million in humanitarian aid to support Syrians displaced by the conflict inside the country. The funding allocation was announced…
The European Commission today unlocks additional financial support for the UN’s Refugee agency, UNHCR, providing €2 million to meet the…
A panel discussion “Free Legal Help for Roma – what has been achieved so far and what is ahead of us”, a part of the project “We are here together – European support for Roma inclusion” was held in Cultural Center Grad.
The European Commission today unlocks additional financial support for the UN’s Refugee agency, UNHCR, providing €2 million to meet the basic needs of vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers currently in the Western Balkans.
Ambassador Michael Davenport, Head of the EU delegation in Serbia has presented grant agreements to the partners – Serbia’s Commissariat for Refugees and Migration and civil society organisations Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe (HELP), Arbeiter Samariter Bund (ASB) and Danish Refugee Council (DRC), to start the implementations of a new aid package…
Head of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, ambassador Michael Davenport, spoke to the website SEEcult.org about the chances of the culture domain within the process of Euro-integrations, noting that culture is the key for both promoting certain countries, but also for joint European values and development of solidarity.