We Are Here Together – European Support for Roma Inclusion Project, funded by the EU and implemented by OSCE Mission…
We Are Here Together – European Support for Roma Inclusion Project, funded by the EU and implemented by OSCE Mission…
Strengthening capacity of National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) and conformity assessment (CA) services in the Republic of Serbia Project, funded through EU IPA funds and national budget, has been presented at the Embassy of Czech Republic in Belgrade.
In view of the unfolding emergency in the countries along the Western Balkans migratory route, there is a need for much greater cooperation, more extensive consultation and immediate operational action.
Foundation TEMPUS – Erasmus+ Office Serbia held Info Day dedicated to educational component of the EU education, training, youth and sports programme – Erasmus+.
Foundation TEMPUS – Erasmus+ Office Serbia held Info Day dedicated to educational component of the EU education, training, youth and…
The start of implementation of the agreement on freedom of movement/Mitrovica Bridge on Saturday, 17 October 2015, is a sign of genuine commitment to the process of dialogue and normalisation of relations between Pristina and Belgrade.
In cooperation with Austria and Slovenia, Serbia launched 18 month EU-funded programme, worth EUR1.2 million, to support advancement of human rights and fight discrimination.
Djordjina Halilkovic, 19, is one of the freshman year students of Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Nis, and a participant in We Are Here Together – European Support for Roma Inclusion Project which, among other things, supports Roma children in their educational efforts.
Djordjina Halilkovic, 19, is one of the freshman year students of Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Nis, and a…
In 2014, 122 million people, or 24.4% of the population, in the European Union (EU) were at risk of poverty or social exclusion. These figures come from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. The risk of poverty or social exclusion affected 1 in 4 persons in the EU in 2014.