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Hahn in Sid: You Are Not Alone, We Should Work Together

European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, together with Head of EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs/President of Working group in charge of addressing mixed migrant flow Aleksandar Vulin, toured reception centre for refugees in Sid

Signature of EBRD-Serbia Memorandum of Understanding

President of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Suma Chakrabarti and Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic signed Memorandum of Understanding launching a joint initiative for the development of investment environment, support to development of private sector and promotion of good governance in Serbia.

Davenport: EU Has a Clear Position

European Commissioner Johannes Hahn and EU High Representative Federica Mogherini made it very clear that closing borders is not the solution in dealing with refugee crisis, said Head of EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport.

AFET/DROI Visit to Serbia

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, joined by the Human Rights Sub-Committee travelled to Serbia on 23-24 September, in the framework of the preparations for the annual progress report on Serbia.

Commissioner Hahn visits Serbia

Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations is visiting Belgrade on Friday, 25 September to discuss the current refugee crisis and to express EU’s solidarity with Serbia.

Project Activities
35 Steps to EU Membership

Head of EU Delegation to Serbia Ambassador Michael Davenport and Head of Serbia EU Negotiating Team Tanja Miscevic made a presentation of the second, amended edition of brochure “Negotiating Chapters – 35 Steps towards EU” at the National Library of Serbia. The brochure is jointly published by EU Info Centre and Serbian EU Negotiating Team.

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