Author EUinfo Admin

News from Brussels
Bloodshed in Gaza needs to stop: EU

The EU has deplored the loss of lives in Gaza, joined calls for end of hostilities and expressed readiness to actively support negotiations between the two sides, Presidents of the European Commission Hose Manuel Barroso and President of European Council Herman Van Rompuy said in a joint statement.

News from Brussels
Commissioner Hahn on recent events in Turkey

Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, spoke to Turkish EU Minister Volkan Bozkir. He acknowledged the commitment of the Turkish authorities to stepping up the fight against ISIL and re-affirmed the EU’s strong support for these efforts.

News from Brussels
Additional sanctions against Russia – a strong warning over destabilisation of Ukraine: EU

A package of additional sanctions against Russia is a warning to Moscow over illegal anexation of a territory and destabilisation of Ukraine that have been unacceptable in Europe in 21st century, President of European Commission Hose Manuel Barroso and President of European Council Herman Van Rompuy said in a joint statement on behalf of the European Union. EU will reengage with Russia when it starts contributing actively and without ambiguities to finding a solution to the Ukrainian crisis.

Success Stories
Artists Help Intercultural Learning

Education is crucial for development of a society. That’s why we, the artists, have started projects IDEAL and Islands whose aim is to introduce drama pedagogy into the teaching process, says Ms Suncica Milosavljevic, creative director of the BAZAART organisation…

Martin Schulz: You did not go unseen

President of European Parliament Martin Schulz said today that Serbia’s willingness to compromise did not go unseen in Brussels and added that he acknowledged Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic’s presence at the 11 July commemoration of victims of “the greatest post WW2 war crime in Europe” in Srebrenica.

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