Author EUinfo Admin

Project Activities
E-business awareness raising campaign for SME launched in Belgrade

The e-business awareness raising campaign for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) was launched in Belgrade on 12 June 2015 as a part of the E-business Development Project activities funded by the European Union. The speeches were delivered by Katarina Jovanovic-Obradovic, Assistant Minister of Economy, Sava Savic, Assistant Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Mr. Oskar Benedikt, Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and Leszek Jakubowski, Project Team Leader.

Electricity Prices Increased by 30% since 2008 in the EU, Lowest in Serbia

Serbia accounts for the lowest price of electricity in Europe, €6/100kWh. With €7.8 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ranks second, while the latest EU Member State Croatia ranks third with €13.2/kWh. The latest findings by European Union statistical office Eurostat show that Denmark produces the most expensive electricity, €30.4/kWh followed by Germany with €29.7.

News from Brussels
Green Week 2015 Tackles Declining Biodiversity as New Data Reveals Birds and Marine Life threatened with extinction

Nearly 15% of birds in the EU are threatened with extinction, as well as 7.5% of all marine fish species in European waters, according to new reports published today by the European Commission. Green Week 2015, Europe’s biggest conference dedicated to environment policy which opens today,will look at the reasons behind these trends and ways to fight back against declining biodiversity. The three-day conference is free and open to all. All sessions are web-streamed.

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