Remarks at the opening of Belgrade Book Fair by HE Ambassador Michael Davenport, Head of EU delegation to Serbia
Belgrade, 20 October 2013
Browsing: Speeches
News – 10/11/2010 | Speech HoD Vincent Degert
CEFTA Week 2010
Speech HoD Vincent Degert
Continental Hotel, Belgrade, 10 November, 09h30
News – 03/11/2010 | Hotel Hyatt Regency, Belgrade
Conference “Regional Economic Cooperation”
Ekonom:east Media Group
Hyatt Regency, Belgrade, 3 November, 09h30
Speech by Adriano Martins
Deputy Head of EU Delegation
News – 11/10/2010 | Speech HoD Vincent Degert
By the internationally accepted definition, corruption is a crime; it consists of abuse of public office for private gain (UN and EU definition). It is an anti-democratic practice which interferes with the Rule of Law and is often a tool for Organized Crime to infiltrate state structures.
News – 06/10/2010 | Debate on EU Enlargement in the Dutch Parliament
News – 16/09/2010 | Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy