Foto galerija Foto konkurs "Čovek u fokusu" - 08.12.2020. Handover of flood protection works - 29.10.2020. Handover of flood protection works - 27.10.2020. EU i UNICEF - 27.10.2020. Prvo pilotiranje državne mature - 16.10.2020. HoMs Meeting at EU Delegation - 16.10.2020. Varhelyi visit - Hilton - 08.10.2020. Visit of the medical staff - 24.09.2020. Roma community - 24.09.2020. BeActive Azbuka - 22.09.2020. European Mobility Week - 19.09.2020. RHP - 16.09.2020. European Mobility Week - 16.09.2020. HoD and Heads of Missions for EU MS embassies - 06.06.2020. IPA Signing - 29.05.2020. Beograd osvetljen bojama Evropske unije - 09.05.2020. « ‹ од 8 › »