“Human in Focus” Photo Competition – Rules

The Delegation of the European Union to Serbia and National Geographic Serbia are launching a photo contest for the best socially engaged photograph taken in Serbia, entitled “Human in Focus.” The terms and conditions of the contest:

  1. Registration fee and organisation. Entering the contest is free of charge. The contest is open to:

– all adult citizens residing in Serbia;

– projects implemented in the sector of culture, democracy, human rights, and social inclusion, that is to projects dealing with social issues, funded by the European Union in Serbia.

Photos should be submitted electronically to takmicenje@euinfo.rs in the period from 1 September to 20 October 2020. Photos submitted after the said deadline shall not be considered.

  1. Subject of the photo and jury’s evaluation. The theme of the contest is socially engaged photography in Serbia (e.g. photo journals during the state of emergency/pandemic, social unrest, the status of members of vulnerable groups during the pandemic, migrants, etc.). The judges will award the top three photographs submitted by Serbian citizens and award a Special Jury Award for the best photo submitted by an EU project in Serbia. The awards: vouchers for photo equipment worth EUR1.000 (first prize), EUR500 (second prize), and EUR300 (third prize); the jury will also award a special prize (diploma) for the best photo depicting an EU project in Serbia; top 15 photographs (including the three prize-winning photos), as well as the top five photos submitted by EU projects in Serbia will be printed and shown in an exhibition as soon as COVID-19 safety measures are lifted. These top 20 photographs will be published in printed and electronic publications of the EU Info Centre, as well as on the web pages and social media accounts of the Delegation of the EU to Serbia and EU Info Centre. The winning photo will also be published in the Serbian edition of the National Geographic Magazine. The jury’s decision is final! Heavily edited photos, as well as photos not taken in Serbia will not be considered. Winning photographs from previous contests and photographs older than three years will also be disqualified.
  2. Photographs. The maximum number of photographs per participant/photographer/project is four (4). Colour and black and white digital photographs (submitted via the abovementioned e-mail) will be taken into consideration, whereas printed and panorama photographs will not be considered. Bear in mind that top technical quality of the photo is an essential factor in winning the prize. The minimum digital photo resolution: 6 megapixels (resolution: 3000 x 2100 pixels). Digital photographs are to be submitted as:
  • “high resolution file”: best quality jpeg format (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, level 12 quality).

The file name must contain the name of the photographer, as well as the title and the number of the photograph (1-4) (for example:  PetarPetrovic_PhotoTitle_PhotoLocation_1.jpg).

  1. Digital processing. We highly value photographs that aren’t digitally enhanced: therefore, photographs that have been post-processed are not allowed. The standard photo processing processes (e.g. tone value, contrast, brightness, colour, intensity, light temperature), minimal cleaning of photos (such as removing dust and stains from the lens), and photo cropping are allowed, provided that it does not change what is depicted in the photograph. Overcropping can significantly lower the resolution. In other words, what is shot in a given moment must be faithfully depicted in the photograph. Multiple exposure is allowed only if the photos were taken in the same place in a minimum time interval. The compositions of several different photographs or material taken from several photographs, e.g. “sandwich” photographs, as well as photographs that are in any way made up of multiple photographs (such as by using the HDR technique, stitched panoramas, etc.) shall be disqualified. Subsequent addition or deletion of people, objects, animal parts, plants, unwanted elements, etc. from photos is also not permitted. The organizers reserve the right to request a RAW file from the photographer. When it comes to prize-winning photos, this will be mandatory as proof of authenticity, as well as for printing. All submitted photos must not contain tags, signatures, initials, frames, borders, logos, or any other references added by the participant.
  2. List of photographs. All submissions must include a list of photographs in English or Serbian; a list with basic information about the submitted photographs is to be provided in a separate document, such as a PDF or WORD file. In addition to name and surname, e-mail address and home address of the photographer, name and number of the photograph (1 to 4), the list must also contain a description of the photograph including the following information: the date when the photo was taken, camera and lens / mobile phone used, location and further information such as exposure, time of day, environment, atmosphere…
  3. Digital photos are to be submitted to takmicenje@euinfo.rs. The maximum number of photographs per participant is four (4) with the accompanying list of photos.
  4. Copyright, liability, and publication. The authors of the photographs (citizens and EU projects) must hold the rights to the submitted photos. The photographer shall retain the copyright of the photos at all times, and their will be printed next to the photograph each time it is published. By entering the contest, participants give the organiser their consent to use the photos free of charge for the following purposes:
  • Exhibitions that are organised as part of the contest, where the prize-winning photographs and up to 20 photographs named the best are to be exhibited;
  • Publication of photographs in printed and electronic publications published by the organisers and on organisers’ websites;
  • Advertising of exhibitions, both in organisers’ publications and in the press.
  1. Data protection.The participants’ data can only be used by EUINFONET for administrative purposes. The data will be exchanged with third parties (e.g. magazines) only for the purpose of reporting on or publishing prize-winning photos. By entering the contest, the participants agree to these terms and conditions.
  2. Copyright of the photos cannot be claimed by agencies or publishers. The organisers will not accept any responsibility neither for third party claims nor any damage or loss of the photos.
  3. The jury is composed of five (5) members:
  • Marko Đurica, photojournalist (Reuters);
  • Aleksandar Kelić, assistant professor, Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade;
  • Igor Rill, editor, National Geographic Serbia;
  • David Pujado, Belgrade Photo Month;
  • Daliborka Nikolić, EU Info Centre.

Please read the disclaimer details before submitting photos:

I hereby confirm that the photograph I am submitting to the contest for the best socially engaged photograph in Serbia “Human in Focus” is my original work and that I am the sole copyright holder. I am submitting this photograph as an expression of my own creativity and I understand that it will be published as my original work with my copyright. I understand that my submission will be reviewed before it is accepted for the contest. I understand that my photograph can be disqualified if it is offensive, artificially improved, if it is a studio photograph, an animation, or is submitted in poor quality. The winners shall be notified about the outcome of the competition via e-mail before they are announced on the websites of the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia and EU Info Centre.