Browsing: EU Support to Refugees and Migrants

The European Union is the biggest donor of assistance for refugees and internally displaced persons: from 2001-2016, it has granted Serbia EUR90 million for such purposes.

EU Deploys Aid to Presevo Reception Centre

On 15 September, EU funded European PROGRES programme delivered ten metal grid containers and a water tank to the Refugee Centre in Presevo. The next delivery will be on 21 September for 900 blankets, 700 bed sheet sets and 350 pillows.

News from Brussels
EU to fund main migration-related activities in the Western Balkans and Turkey

For candidate countries (Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey) and potential candidates (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo), the EU provides both financial and technical support. The aim of this support is to help the beneficiaries make political and economic reforms and to help them meet the obligations necessary for membership of the EU.

EU Supports Reception Centre in Kanjiza

Together with German Ambassador to Serbia Axel Dittmann, Head of the EU Delegation Michael Davenport visited reception centre for refugees in Kanjiza where Red Cross of Serbia and Caritas deployed EU aid in the form of food and sanitation packages.

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