Brochure on using EU pre-accession funds at the Book Fair


I am aware of the Euroscepticism in Serbia, but we cannot deny the fact that citizens of recently joined EU Member States live better than before, said the Minister of European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic at the presentation of a brochure on using EU pre-accession funds.

Joksimovic presented the publication on EU funds at the International Book Fair in Belgrade together with the EU Ambassador Sem Fabrizi.

They presented a brochure on EU pre-accession funds through which the Union provides financial assistance to Serbia in areas such as agriculture, rural development, energy, employment, social policy, education and regional cooperation.

It is important to bring citizens closer to benefits derived from the candidate country status, she said.

According to her, by the end of 2018, Serbia might open another three negotiating chapters.

Fabrizi said that the EU allocated EUR200 million in grants for Serbia annually, making it its biggest donor.

As he pointed out, the EU is at the same time both the biggest investor in and the biggest trade partner of Serbia.

In another brochure, presented at the bookstand of the Ministry of European Integration, we set out the pros of EU accession, Fabrizi said.

Fabrizi called the visitors of the Book Fair to read the brochure and learn what the Union is about.

It is about the protection of democracy, human rights and media freedom, as well as security and environmental protection, said Fabrizi.


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