Campaign “Europe for Green Serbia” kicks off


The Delegation of the European Union to Serbia and the EU Info Centre, together with the EU Info Points Novi Sad and Nis and other partners, will mark September 2016 as “the green month” with a series of actions and events aimed at the promotion of environmental protection and urban mobility and drawing attention to the importance of combating climate change which is among the biggest causes of ecological imbalance.

These are the main goals of the campaign “Europe for Green Serbia” which kicks off on Monday, 12 September and runs until 24 September. Within the campaign and in cooperation with partners, a series of events will be organised in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Valjevo and Nis. These events include a conference, presentations and debates on the topic of combating climate change within the EU Climate Diplomacy Week, during which the missions and EU Member States around the world together with their partners remind about local and global actions to combat climate change. Also, “Europe for Green Serbia” brings a lecture on the harmfulness of food waste, a photo contest “Be Eco-mobile,” a workshop on energy efficiency, exhibits and events traditionally organised within the European Mobility Week which this year makes the integral part of the campaign.

As an introduction to the campaign, a photo contest titled ”Be Eco-mobile was organised in August inviting citizens to send photos picturing them getting around without a car. The winners of the contest, which runs until 12 September, will be announced following a vote on the EU Info Centre’s Facebook page and a jury’s decision, whereas the award ceremony will take place on 24 September. As in previous years, the best works will be applied to a tram in Belgrade, reminding Belgraders that using public transport or other modes of transportation is better than using a car.

On the first day of the campaign, Monday 12 September, the EU Info Centre in Belgrade, in cooperation with the Environment Improvement Centre, organises a lectureFood should be eaten, not wasted” to draw attention to this growing issue and its ecological consequences, as the global estimates show that more than 30 percent of the food goes to waste. The lecture will also serve as an opportunity to promote the action “Hooks of kindness“ – leaving food and clothes in public areas. Apart from Belgrade, the same lecture will be given in Nis and Novi Sad, organised by EU Info Points.

“Combating climate change: Serbia’s readiness“ is the title of conference to be held on Tuesday, 13 September, in Belgrade, with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Branislav Nedimovic, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Ambassador Michael Davenport, representatives of the Ministry of Mining and Energy and French Ambassador in Serbia Christine Moro. The session will once again point to obligations Serbia has assumed by adhering to Paris Agreement and engaging in the very process of EU accession in combating climate change. The conference will see the presentation of a new EU project supporting Serbia in fulfilling obligations in relation to the Paris Agreement – “Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change”.

The same issue will be the topic of the debate jointly organised by the Environment Improvement Centre and the Centre for Promotion of Science “Climate change – What to expect by 2030” scheduled for Thursday, 15 September, at the EU Info Centre, which will present the latest findings and climate models for the region and beyond.

EU support in the area of combating climate change is also reflected in new EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia Programme worth EUR62 to be introduced on 15 September in Valjevo in the presence of Ambassador Davenport and EU Member States’ heads of missions.

Also, part and parcel of the campaign is marking of the European Mobility Week: on Friday, 16 September, Green Cross-walks the main event of the campaign will take place, focusing on the promotion of alternative modes of transportation and urban mobility. The action will take place simultaneously in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis with support from local self-governments and under the slogan “Drive less, walk more. Take care of the environment:” a cross-walk in each of those cities will be marked allowing pedestrians to cross it leaving green footprints and thus create a tree as a reminder that walking and alternative modes of transportation conserve the environment. The canvas created thereby, as a unique work of art, will be on public display in all three cities.

On Monday, 19 September, the EU Info Centre will organise a workshop for high school students on the subject of energy efficiency “It is never too late to be energy efficient,whereas on 20 September the Novi Sad EU Info Point organises another workshop, “Plastic vs. Paper Bag,” this time for elementary school students to draw their attention to the benefits of recycling.

The campaign closure – award ceremony for the winners of the photo contest and first ride on the “ecologically” branded tram in Belgrade – is scheduled for 24 September in Tasmajdan Park. As is the case with other events, the winners will be addressed by representatives of the Assembly of the City of Belgrade and the EU Delegation to Serbia.

Overview of all events is attached to this press release. The media will be advised about each individual event, whereas reports of the events will be posted on the EU Info Centre web-site ( On social media, the campaign will be followed under the hashtag #ZelenaSrbija.

MORE ON EU SUPPORT TO ECOLOGY: Since 2000, the EU Delegation has secured more than EUR700 million in non-refundable aid to Serbia for environmental protection and energy efficiency, bringing direct benefits to more than a million citizens through various projects such as provision of water supply system, waste water and waste treatment across the country.


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