Fabrizi: Fair competition is an essential element of a transparent business environment is Serbia


Sem Fabrizi, Head of the EU Delegation in Serbia met today with Miloje Obradović, President of the Commission for Protection of Competition.

Ambassador Fabrizi expressed strong appreciation for the work of the Commission, and the progress made in the past years, especially in promoting fair competition and raising-awareness on competition issues in Serbia.

“Fair competition is an essential element of a transparent business environment is Serbia. The EU very much appreciates the work that the Commission for Protection of Competition has done in the past years – this progress is recognised also in the European Commisison 2018 Serbia Report. I encourage the Commission to continue on this path and call on all relevant stakeholders to ensure that the Commission can continue to exercise its mandate in the requested fully independent manner”, Fabrizi stressed.

The EU will continue to follow closely the work of both the competition and state aid authorities. This is particularly important with the view of implementing the opening benchmarks for Chapter 8 – Competition, so that accession negotiations on this topic can start.


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