Hahn and Brnabić on necessity to preserve regional stability


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić and European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn held talks on regional stability and dialogue between Serbia and Priština.

The statement issued by the Serbian government said that the Prime Minister thanked Commissioner Johannes Hahn on the financial aid invested in the reconstruction of new Žeželj bridge and informed him of the survey done by the Ministry for European Integration, which has shown that 55 percent of Serbia’s citizens support Serbia’s membershop in the European Union.

Brnabić and Commissioner Hahn also discussed a necessity to preserve regional stability and agreed that all bilateral issues with neighbours must be solved through a dialogue, while simultaneously develop economic cooperation as a mutual foundation for prosperity for all countries in the region.

Regarding a dialogue with Priština, Hahn noted yesterday’s informal ministerial meeting in Vienna and reiterated that every agreement must contribute to peace and stability in Western Balkans.

Brnabić stressed Belgrade’s readiness to continue a dialogue, but also a necessity to form the Association of Serbian Municipalities, as the Brussels agreement’s obligation that Priština has failed to fulfill, a statement from the Prime Minister’s office.



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