Mogherini hosts Western Balkans leaders: Support for the Prespa Agreement and EU-facilitated Belgrade Pristina Dialogue


Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, hosted today in Brussels an informal gathering of the Western Balkans leaders.
Looking back at the important progress made in the region in 2018, leaders agreed with the High Representative on the need to build on this progress and to continue to focus on their respective European Union paths and the necessary internal reforms, in view of achieving progress in time for the June 2019 Council.

Federica Mogherini stressed that the Western Balkan partners now more than ever should work together to advance the shared objective of the EU integration, to consolidate peace and security and to invest in further regional cooperation, for the benefit of all the people in the region.

In this respect, Western Balkan leaders expressed the strongest support for the Prespa Agreement and for reaching a comprehensive legally binding agreement in the context of the Pristina Belgrade Dialogue. They also committed to work to further the region’s integration in the EU in a spirit of good neighbourly relations and reconciliation, refraining from all actions and statements that are not conducive to the overall interests and strategic objectives of the region.


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