1st European Education Summit kicks off in Brussels


Today, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics opened thefirst ever European Education Summit, which brings together 18 EU Education Ministers as well as over 450 education professionals and representatives from all over Europe.

Under the broad theme ‘Laying the foundations of a European Education Area: for an innovative, inclusive and values-based education’, the Summit programme includes over twenty sessions, master classes and high-level panel discussions, with more than 40 speakers.

They cover a vast range of issues, including how to engage disadvantaged pupils to ensure no one is left behind, how to best equip teachers, how to boost learning through sport, as well as the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in education and the role children play in helping to transform societies.

The Summit follows the Gothenburg Summit in November 2017 where the Commission set out its vision to create a European Education Area by 2025, and the December European Council where Member States expressed a willingness to do more in the area of education.


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