2017 Standard Eurobarometer: Fixing the roof while the sun is shining


For the first time since the economic and financial crisis began in 2007, a majority Europeans think the situation of the economy is good, according to a new Eurobarometer survey released today.

The survey also found that positive perception of the economic situation nationally has increased in the last months and support for the euro is at its highest since 2004 in the euro area and optimism for the future of the EU outweighs pessimism. Overall, trust in the EU remains high and a majority of Europeans are optimistic about the future of the EU. “The free movement of people, goods and services within the EU” and “peace among the Member States of the EU” are perceived as the two most positive results of the EU.

Respondents were also asked about their views on the main issues faced by the EU – immigration has overtaken terrorism as the biggest challenge in the eyes of citizens, followed by the economic situation, the state of Member States’ public finances and unemployment. In another survey on the Future of Europe, a majority of Europeans were found to regard the EU as a place of stability in a troubled world.

The two surveys, the “Autumn 2017 – Standard Eurobarometer” and the “Special Eurobarometer ‘Future of Europe’, were conducted through face-to-face interviews – a total of 33,193 people were interviewed across all EU Member States and in the candidate countries for the Standard Eurobarometer; and a total of 27,881 people were interviewed in Member States for the Special Eurobarometer. More information is available in the press release online.



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