A new era in the relations between Serbia and the EU


The modernisation of the society should be continued in order to overcome the challenges that Serbia will face on its path towards membership, it was stated at the meeting of the Council of Coordination Body of the Government of Serbia for the European Accession Process, in which Christian Danielsson participated.

At the meeting of the Council of Coordination Body of the Government of Serbia for the European Accession Process, in which Director General of European Commission`s Directorate for Enlargement Christian Danielsson participated, the satisfaction with the start of accession negotiations, which also marks the beginning of a new era in the relations between Serbia and the EU, was expressed.

It was underlined that this was a deserved acknowledgement for the progress achieved over the past years, but also a sign that the modernisation of the society should be continued in order to overcome the challenges that Serbia will face on its path towards membership, announced Serbian government Office for Cooperation with the Media.

The meeting was chaired by Minister without portfolio in charge of European integration Branko Ruzic, and Head of Serbian Negotiating team for Serbia’s accession to the EU Tanja Miscevic, participated in the meeting.


It was also agreed at the meeting that it will be necessary, in the upcoming period, to pay special attention to further reforms and the continued harmonization of domestic legislation with the EU acquis, especially in the fields which are a foundation for the rule of law.

Ruzic and Danielsson also pointed out the important activities performed by the representatives of the Serbian and Brussels administration in the process of analytical overview of legislation, which is a phase that precedes the opening of negotiations by chapters.

They expressed their satisfaction with good preparedness and the capacities of the Serbian public administration demonstrated in the screenings completed so far.

The next steps in the continuation of cooperation were also agreed in the meeting, as well as the active support of the European Commission to Serbia’s efforts to participate diligently in further harmonization with the EU rules and standards.


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