Adam Santovac to Receive Award within Project “Media Trips to EU”


N1 TV journalist Adam Santovac won the first prize in the category of socially reporting in the International Reportage and Media Festival INTERFER in Apatin, for his “Smeće za energiju” (Garbage for Energy) documentary.

Adam was awarded with the golden Nike statue by the Jury composed of: Pero Zubac, poet/President of the Jury, Dusan Djokovic, Director of Art Academy in Belgrade, Nemanja Santrac, Member of Sombor City Council and Vanja Meandzija, RTL Producer from Zagreb.

Documentary “Garbage for Energy” was shot during his visit to Vienna in June 2015, within EU Delegation to Serbia project “Media Trips to EU” implemented by British Council.

The project is designed for news journalists from Serbia who report on topics and issues relevant to European integration process.

With the support in identifying and getting in touch with relevant people, institutions and officials in Europe, journalists have a unique opportunity to obtain first hand information and impressions about topics brought up by themselves in a certain European country, as well as to compare and analyse these findings.

Project’s goal is to enable Serbian citizens to read, watch and listen to diversity of content and news about different experiences of the EU in reform process and understand different aspects of EU accession better.

Watch the awarded film by Adam Santovac here


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