Ashton: To continue the work on the normalisation of relations


Statement by High Representative Catherine Ashton after January 27 meeting in the framework of the EU-facilitated dialogue.

“I was pleased to receive Prime Minister Thaçi and Prime Minister Dačić today, together with their delegations, to continue the work on the normalisation of relations on the basis of the Agreement we made last April.

We talked about a number of issues, including on how to take our work forward in the light of events, particularly elections that will take place in Mitrovica North where we will see a rerun of elections for the mayor and of course elections in Serbia in not too distant future.

I was very pleased to see the commitment of both Prime Ministers as well as Deputy Prime Minister Vučić and all members of their delegations to continuing this work. I very much look forward to seeing them again on 12 February when we will meet again to continue this process.”


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