Author EUinfo Admin

News from Brussels
EU to fund main migration-related activities in the Western Balkans and Turkey

For candidate countries (Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey) and potential candidates (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo), the EU provides both financial and technical support. The aim of this support is to help the beneficiaries make political and economic reforms and to help them meet the obligations necessary for membership of the EU.

European Mobility Week in Serbia: Choose the Right Combination

Once again, Belgrade, Nis and Novi Sad are taking part in European Mobility Week 16-21 September, along with more than 2 000 European cities. Under the slogan “Choose. Change. Combine.” this specific campaign is designed to promote sustainable means of transport, point to challenges cities are facing…

News from Brussels
European Commission Statement following the temporary reintroduction of border controls by Austria, particularly at the Hungarian-Austrian border

The European Commission has received a notification from the Austrian authorities informing about their intention to temporarily reintroduce controls, as of 16 September, at the borders with other EU-Member States, particularly at the Austrian border with Hungary but also at the borders with Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Project Activities
EU at Serbian Libraries – Niš

Forty librarians from across South East Serbia took part in seminar “Libraries as Key Source of Relevant Information about EU”, organised by EU Info Point Nis with the support from Delegation of European Union to Serbia and Serbian European Integration Office, at the oldest public library in Nis “Stevan Sremac”.

News from Brussels
Fighting climate change one commute at a time – EU launches EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2015

With a view towards the Paris Climate Conference (COP 21) taking place in December, tomorrow the European Commission is launching the annual EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK (16-22 September), with events scheduled to take place in over 2,000 European cities and towns. The EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK encourages innovative solutions for today’s urban mobility challenges, which can contribute to the climate and decarbonisation objectives of the EU.

EU Supports Reception Centre in Kanjiza

Together with German Ambassador to Serbia Axel Dittmann, Head of the EU Delegation Michael Davenport visited reception centre for refugees in Kanjiza where Red Cross of Serbia and Caritas deployed EU aid in the form of food and sanitation packages.

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