Author EUinfo Admin

News from Brussels
Undeclared work widespread problem in EU

Around one in ten Europeans (11%) admits that they have bought goods or services involving undeclared work in the previous year, while four percent concede that they have themselves received undeclared pay in return for work. Furthermore, one in 30 was paid partly in cash by his or her employer (“envelope wages”). These are some of the findings of a Eurobarometer survey which shows that undeclared work continues to be widespread in Europe, though the extent and perception of the problem vary from country to country.

Project Activities
EU funded Protocol on the Protection of Children in Sport presented to public

EU has funded the Project “Prevention and Protection Children from Violence in Sport” that resulted in a Protocol aimed at establishing mechanism for protections of children from all forms of violence in sport as well as strengthening of educational role of sport in developing positive social values in children and youth. The Protocol was created by Serbia’s Child Rights Centre and Ministry of Youth and Sports.

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