EU helps building Serbia’s capacity for fighting against counterfeit and piracy


Recently launched twinning project Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), funded by the EU through pre-accession funds, will gather experts from several EU Member States to help Serbian state authorities building capacities for fighting against counterfeiting and piracy.

Cooperation between Denmark, the United Kingdom and Serbia is expected to help the Market Inspection Sector within the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications, Customs Administration, as well as the Ministry of Interior and Public Prosecutor’s Office to improve the means for counteracting widespread forgery and piracy. Intellectual Property Office will also participate in the project.

Efforts will also be put into aligning the Serbian legislation to meet the requirements for future EU accession and a formalized model for cooperation between the institutions involved in the project will be developed.

The magnitude and effects of counterfeiting and piracy are of such significance that they compel strong and sustained action from governments, business and consumers. Effective enforcement is required as is the public support to combat the counterfeiting and piracy.

This is why representatives of the state authorities in charge of implementation of the intellectual property law will be trained, while the measures will be taken to raise the awareness and improve the knowledge of Serbian citizens about intellectual property.


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