Call for Written Contributions to the Serbia 2020 Annual Report – Political, Economic Criteria and European Standards Consultations


We would like to inform you that the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia is starting preparations for the Serbia 2020 Annual Report. As has been the practice in the past, we would like to invite written contributions from the civil society to obtain views on the topics covered by the report.

The Serbia 2020 Annual Report will follow a similar structure as the 2019 Report. Under each of the relevant criteria (political, economic criteria as well as European standards) it will assess progress made by Serbia since March 2019. Progress will be measured in terms of decisions actually taken, legislation adopted and degree of implementation.

The Delegation highly values comments from the civil society organisations as key partners in Serbia’s European integration process. In this respect, we would very much welcome your written contributions on the Political, Economic Criteria and European Standards for the 2020 Serbia Report. We consider your contributions to be of the utmost importance for an accurate analysis and in-depth assessment.

The entire 2019 Annual Report on Serbia, as well as the 2019 Communication on Enlargement Policy can be found on the following web pages:

We should be grateful if you could send your written contributions by Wednesday, 4 December 2019 close of business at the following e-mail address:

with the subject: Serbia 2020 Report – (Name of your organisation) contribution.


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