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Serbian Citizens’ Perception of EU

Crucial role in shaping citizens’ views on the EU is played by perception and emotions, much less by the facts and rational thinking, but at the same time citizens are aware of the fact that the EU is irreplaceable as a partner – this was the message of the round table “Citizens’ Perception of European Union” held at the Book Fair, within EU book stand programme.

35 Steps to European Union

Today, Belgrade Book Fair saw the presentation of EU Info Centre publication “Negotiating Chapters in 35 Steps”. Students and EU book stand visitors discussed current state of European integration process with Head of Information, Communication and Press at the EU Delegation to Serbia Ramunas Janušauskas…

Guide through Negotiations

Serbian European Integration Office made a presentation of its publication “Guide through Negotiations” at the EU book stand today. Acting Director of the Office Ksenija Milenkovic explained that the Guide scrutinised negotiating process and 35 chapters leading to accession.

OSCE Report on War Crime Proceedings in Serbia

During the presentation of OSCE Report on War Crime Proceedings in Serbia from 2003 to 2014, Head of OSCE Mission in Serbia Peter Burkhardt said that in Serbia, by the end of 2014, 160 persons were prosecuted and 27 final judgements issued, convicting 73 persons.


Performances of both Serbian and European anthem and opening remarks made by Head of EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport, Head of Serbian EU Accession Negotiating Team Tanja Miscevic and Director of National Library of Serbia Laslo Blaskovic, marked the official opening of EU book stand at Belgrade International Book Fair.

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