CfP for projects aimed at combatting violent extremism launched


In the framework of the STRIVE Global Program funded under the Art. 5 of the IcSP, Hedayah published the following Calls for Proposals yesterday:

1-Support of Civil Society initiatives to Prevent/Counter Violent Extremism in Central Asia, Western Balkans and MENA region. Target countries are:  Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Jordan. The amount available is EURO 680,000.

Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the minimum amount EURO 40,000 and maximum amount EURO 80,000. The initial planned duration of a project may not be lower than 6 months nor exceed 12 months. Below the link with further information (in this occasion we have included an extract of the guidelines in Arabic and Russian):—mena-region

2- Research to Explore Vulnerability to Radicalization leading to Violent Extremism in Central Asia and Western Balkans regions. Target countries are: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The amount available is EURO 296,000. Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the minimum amount EURO 20,000 and the maximum amount EURO 50,000. The initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 6 months nor exceed 10 months. Below the link with further information (in this occasion we have included an extract of the guidelines Russian):—western-balkans-regions

Deadline to submit concept notes for both Calls is 30 august.


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