Clarification regarding call for tender EuropeAid/135633/IH/SER/RS


The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia was not the contracting authority for the concerned call for tender on the Promotion and Protection of Property Rights of IDPs Refugees and Returnees Upon Readmission Agreements.

Two representatives of the Delegation observed the work of the Evaluation Committee, but had no voting rights. They exercised their duties as observers in full respect of the Financial Regulation in force, and also in full respect of the Staff Regulations, also a public document.

The tender procedure was cancelled owing to deficiencies in the evaluation procedure, as stated in the cancellation notice available at:

This decision was taken in full compliance with EU procurement rules, in a clear and transparent manner.

The procedure has been relaunched and the same shortlisted candidates have been invited to submit their bids, as foreseen by the Financial Regulation.

The contracting authority and the EU are taking all the necessary measures to ensure transparency, equal treatment and avoid any conflict of interest in this call. The Delegation and the European Commission take the proper management of EU funds very seriously and look into all allegations of mismanagement. If irregularities are discovered during the procedure, the EU will take all necessary measures to remedy the situation in full compliance with the Financial Rules.


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