Commission awards €1.14 million in emergency assistance for voluntary return of irregular migrants from Italy


Photo: Refugees registration hotspot in Lampedusa

The European Commission has awarded €1.14 million in emergency assistance to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) to set up an Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration scheme for Italy.

This scheme targets irregular migrants wishing to return from Italy to their country of origin. It will provide information on voluntary return options and assist migrants with the return process. The IOM will support the migrants’ reintegration in their countries of origin through assistance with housing, education, vocational training and employment, which will dissuade them from making further irregular journeys.

This award of €1.14 million is provided under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and serves as bridge funding until Italy sets up a permanent voluntary return scheme as part of its national programme under AMIF. The total emergency assistance awarded to Italy since 2014 has now reached €22 million. This is on top of the €593 million Italy has been allocated for the period 2014-2020 for its national programmes under AMIF (€348 million) and the Internal Security Fund (€245 million).


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