Commission provides additional support for fingerprinting of migrants in Greece


The European Commission has informed Greece of its decision to award €1.36 million in emergency funding for the acquisition of 90 fingerprinting devices. These devices will be used to ensure proper identification and registration of migrants at Greek border crossings. This emergency funding comes from the Internal Security Fund (ISF).

The 90 fingerprinting devices and workstations will be connected to the central EURODAC system to ensure sharing of information, and will be installed at border crossing points throughout the country, including on the Eastern Aegean islands. This will help to ensure the full and effective operation of the hotspots established on the islands of Lesvos, Chios, Leros, Kos and Samos.

This emergency assistance is part of the Commission’s overall efforts to support concrete and effective actions in Member States facing high migratory pressure. For 2016, the Commission has foreseen emergency financial assistance, available to all Member States, of €55.9 million under the ISF programme and €133 million under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). This is in addition to the national AMIF and ISF programmes for all Member States.

For Greece the national programme amounts to around €509 million for 2014-2020, of which €33 million has already been paid. The Commission’s award decision will be followed by the signature of the grant agreement with the Greek authorities, which should take place in the following days.


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