Commission releases 2016 European Digital Progress Report: unequal progress towards a Digital Single Market


Building on the results of the EU Digital Economy and Society Index published in February (press release), the Commission today releases its report on the digital performance of EU Member States.

The Commission has monitored the implementation of national digital reforms and, ahead of the Competitiveness Council later this week, gives advice to achieve better results in areas from broadband coverage to online public services, digital skills and e-commerce. The Commission also publishes today a full report on a new international index (iDESI) on digital performance comparing EU Member States to 15 other countries. International data shows that the top EU performers (Sweden, Denmark, and Finland) are also leading countries on the global stage, followed by South Korea and the United States.

Andrus Ansip, Vice-President for the Digital Single Market, said: Data shows online shopping and selling is not at its high. We will soon present a set of proposals which will boost e-commerce in the EU. That means no more barriers that discourage companies from cross-border trading and prevent people from getting the most competitive offers online.”

Günther H. Oettinger, Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, said: “Europe’s digital performance is good on the global stage, however some countries could do better. Therefore we come with advice that will help EU Member States improve their digital performance for the benefits of their society and economy and will contribute to creating a Digital Single Market.

The Commission also publishes today a Eurobarometer study on e-communications. The study found mobile internet access increased significantly with 69% of households now having at least one member with a mobile internet access, a +21 points increase over 2014.


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