Completed projects for the Erozija housing neighbourhood in Novi Pazar


Drafting the main projects such as building the Centre for Social Work or social housing, kindergarten and elementary school facilities as well as projects for infrastructure instalment and building the Diagnostic Centre within the Medical Centre in the Erozija housing neighbourhood amounted €92.000.

Novi Pazar, March 10th 2014 – Technical documentation for building the five main facilities in Novi Pazar, which was completed thanks to financial support by European Union and Swiss Government through European Partnership with Municipalities Programme (EU PROGRES), has now been handed over to local government representatives.

Drafting the main projects such as building the Centre for Social Work or social housing, kindergarten and elementary school facilities as well as projects for infrastructure instalment  and building the Diagnostic Centre within the Medical Centre in the Erozija housing neighbourhood amounted €92.000.

„Thanks to this donation, the City will be able to submit financing applications to foreign donors in order to build these facilities. These projects are extremely important for Novi Pazar and they will enable us to install the necessary infrastructure into this new housing neighbourhood,” said the Mayor of Novi Pazar Meho Mahmutović.


New facilities are extremely important for the inhabitants of Novi Pazar; Diagnostic Centre should reduce the costs of treatment of those patients who otherwise have to travel more than 100 kilometres in order to do basic check-ups, while the social housing facility will enable adequate social protection and will reduce the number of most vulnerable homeless people.

All of the projects were drafted by Institute for Urban Planning of the City of Novi Pazar, after receiving computer equipment worth €25.000 through EU PROGRES. This donation significantly improved the work of Institutes’s employees and enabled rapid development of projects and design documentation. 

The European Union financially supports European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES – with €14,1 million, Swiss Government supports it with €2,9 million, whilst the Government of the Republic of Serbia participates with €2,5 million. EU PROGRES aims at supporting socio-economic development of 25 municipalities in South and South West  Serbia. More details on the programme can be found on website

For further information, please contact:

Petar Janjatović | Communications Assistant| European Partnership with Municipalities – EU PROGRES | 4 Timočka Street Prokuplje Serbia | Tel: +381 27 333 125 +381 27 329 972| Mobile: +381 63 8622 780 | e-mail:  | skype: petar_unops |


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