Davenport: Local Self-governments Should Function Transparent and Accessible to Citizens


During the Assembly of Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM), Head of EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport expressed his satisfaction with the “real partnership” between the EU and local self-governments in Serbia which brought benefits to Serbian citizens.

He said that it was important to continue to carry out the reforms so that citizens, who rightfully wanted local self-governments to function transparently and be accessible, could see tangible results.

Davenport said the reforms could be implemented only by competent and motivated civil servants, whereas their work could be efficient only if they had adequate support.

He said that strengthening of strategic development, enhancing capacity of local staff, resolving the property issues, and improving environmental protection should be treated as priorities in order to advance in the process of EU accession.

“We are all well aware that Serbian municipalities have faced serious issues such as refugee crisis, which has been actively and constructively dealt with by Serbia,” said Head of EU Delegation to Serbia.

Ambassador Davenport said cooperation with the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipality would continue through Exchange 5 Programme which should support municipalities in priority areas.

Photo: FoNet

Photo: FoNet

Vice-president of Serbian Government and Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-government Kori Udovicki said that well regulated local self-governments should be the foundation of the State because the local level was the one at which citizens and the authority were brought together. She also warned that local self-governments could not possibly take the responsibility if their functioning was decided at the State level.

According to her, determining the maximum number of employees at a local level by the State was a matter of buying a little time, whereas the next year should bring a better solution.

“I believe that State level solutions should not be imposed past 2016,” said Udovicki and added that SCTM capacity should be used to establish a productive dialogue, to prevent the law on financing of local self-governments being drafted by one ministry, leaving the managing of its implementation at will of others.

Mayor of Belgrade Sinisa Mali said it was important to gather representatives of local self-governments around the same table with the Government and discuss the law on financing of local self-governments.


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