Davenport: The European Commission made recommendations regarding new chapters, awaiting Member States’ decisions


Serbian Minister without portfolio in charge of European integration Jadranka Joksimovic commended the dynamic of Serbian EU integration process, adding that by the end of 2016 chapters 5, 25 and 26 should be opened.

In a joint press statement made together with Minister Joksimovic following the opening of the Fifth National Conference on Cross-Border Cooperation, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport said the European Commission made its recommendations regarding the opening of new chapters, above all the chapter 5 dealing with public procurement, adding that the Member States are now expected to make their decision.

Joksimovic said she would disagree with the notion that nothing had been done regarding the implementation of Brussels agreements and that the process was stagnating. According to her, Belgrade proved to be a constructive partner, whereas Pristina failed to do its part of the job, especially when it comes to the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities.

Asked whether the latest Government session discussed new actions to tackle the migrant crisis, Joksimovic said that a work group was put in place to keep track of the developments regarding the crisis.

“We are pursuing the same policy and maintain the same humanitarian approach, but Serbia is not an external EU border. Migrants are leaving the EU countries and moving towards the EU again. We have accommodation capacity, but we need a comprehensive EU solution,” Joksimovic said.

“Belgrade-Pristina dialogue continues, the two sides held a meeting this week in Brussels and talked about the tangible implementation of certain provisions to the agreement,” Davenport said and added that the EU continued to play its part in the process.

Speaking about the migrant crisis, Davenport said the EU was keeping regular  contact with Serbian Government ministers regarding this matter in order to help Serbia address the challenge, adding that the Union allocated more than EUR40 million for Serbia and pledged to provide additional assistance.

“We need to identify the needs and do it together and in this respect we welcome the talks on this subject with Minister Vulin,” he said.

“Serbia found a very good and humane approach to migrant crisis and we want to help it keep such course,” Davenport said.

“The key element in dealing with migrant crisis in Serbia, the region, and even Europe is the implementation of EU-Turkey Statement,” Davenport said.


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