Davenport: Vrsac Sets Example for Aid Utilisation to Other Serbian Municipalities


During his visit to Vrsac, Head of EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport said this Municipality was among the most successful when it comes to using EU pre-accession funds and other Serbian towns and municipalities should follow its example.

He toured Technological Park, Agriko Market and Regional Centre of Cultural Heritage of Banat, all of which were built or reconstructed thanks to EU funds.

“I am here to see concrete results and I am impressed by the level of cooperation and common vision, creating better access to different EU funds. Vrsac is highly successful in using assistance and has received large amount for various projects precisely due to the said cooperation and efficiency,” Davenport said during his visit to Business Incubator Centre within Technological Park in Vrsac.

Head of EU Delegation reminded that during his first visit to Vrsac there was a meadow in place of Technological Park, whereas now “we have 10 companies employing thousands of people with a great development and investment potential.”

“This is the path other towns and municipalities in Serbia should follow and be guided by such an efficient use of EU funds,” Davenport said.


He also visited food market in Vrsac, built within Serbia-Romania cross-border programme with EUR1.8 million. He also paid a visit to City Museum in Vrsac and Regional Centre of Cultural Heritage of Banat “Konkordija”, established thanks to EUR850,000 of EU money via Serbia-Romania cross-border cooperation programme.

President of Vrsac Municipality Cedomir Zivkovic said that the Municipality managed to receive more than EUR10 million from various EU funds, adding he hoped to see Vrsac being successful in the future as it had been thus far. “We want to develop our town and the region but in order to do so, we need support from the EU and Vrsac economy,” Zivkovic added.

Ronald Seeliger Director of Hemofarm visited Technological Park together with Davenport and Zivkovic. He said businessmen of Vrsac had a good meeting today with Municipal leadership and EU Ambassador and agreed that economy development and job creation was of mutual interests.


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