Davenport: We Need Responsible Young Journalists


At the ceremony held within School Day celebration, students of Belgrade Legal and Business School presented their new magazine and web-site developed by members of the press section following their study visit to EU countries within the campaign aimed at promotion of media literacy.

The students have been awarded for the “Pravna strana“ magazine and the web-site within the contest organised in the framework of Media Literacy campaign aimed at high school students titled “If you have something to say – say it” supported by the EU Delegation to Serbia and the Ministry of Culture and Information. 40 schools from across Serbia applied for the contest.

Director of Legal and Business School Julija Djordjevic said the ceremony was “in a way a continuation of School Day celebration which also happens to be both the Day of Victory over Fascism and Europe Day.”

“In celebration of this day, our students took part in the contest for the best school magazine and web-site. They took part, won and went on a study visit,” said Director Djordjevic.

According to her, five students, members of press section, went on a study tour of EU countries. Julija Djordjevic thanked British Council which presented the awards and the EU Delegation for making the project possible.


pravno-poslovna-uceniciFive students who took part in the study visit seized the opportunity to talk about their impressions at the ceremony. They talked about their visit to Ljubljana, Vienna, Austrian national public service broadcaster (ORF), Budapest and Slovak agency SITA.  ORF made the biggest impression on them. High school graduate Nikola described ORF as “genuine small town, with major technical capabilities, something I’ve never seen in Serbia”. His friend Ana agreed with him and said the visit was useful in various ways because “ people should expand their horizons apart from entering the university,.”

However, they mentioned hanging out with their peers (40 students from another eight Serbian schools)  as their most valuable experience:  “We learned a lot during our study visit, we’ve met new cultures, but the most important thing is that we have made new friends. We toured with another eight schools and last week, our friends from Novi Pazar invited us to join them in their celebration,” Ana said.


Presenting their new web-site and magazine, students said that the media literacy campaign attracted new members to the press section. It seems as if they already know what their future profession would be and where their studies would take place: Nikola says he is going to enter a university in Slovenia because he is familiar with advantages of studying in Ljubljana (students from ex-Yugoslavia are exempted from tuition fees, every day student life is better, there are technical upsides as well…), noting he seized this opportunity to make additional contacts.

Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Ambassador told them journalism took a lot of responsibility and wished them success.

davenport-pravno-poslovnaHe said he was happy to hear first-hand experience and to know students had an opportunity to participate in “such an amazing and unique project.”

“I am glad you succeeded in improving your web-site and magazine. Being a journalist requires great deal of responsibility. I wish you all the success because we need responsible young journalists such as yourselves,” said Davenport and invited them to share their experience on the web-site of another EU project – Europa Diary (available at www.euinfo.rs).

I believe it is great that young people are engaged in professional journalism. They had an opportunity to see how media work in other countries. They have a press section at this school… based on this experience, I feel free to say that the Project should continue – Ambassador Michael Davenport about Media Literacy Project

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