The European Commission has announced a new Erasmus + General Call for Proposals for 2021, which describes in detail all types of projects and deadlines for all individual components of the program.
It is expected that the status of the Republic of Serbia as a program country will continue under the new program, which means that institutions and organizations will have the opportunity to fully participate in all parts of the Erasmus+ program as coordinators or partners. More details on the rules and opportunities for participation can be found in the Erasmus+ Program Guide for 2021.
You can see an overview of all types of projects in which Serbia can participate, as well as deadlines within this Call in our Calendar of Calls.
The Foundation Tempus provides continuous support to all those interested in submitting projects under the Erasmus+ program. As part of the support, the Foundation organizes free workshops for writing Erasmus+ projects every year and the exact dates and registration forms will be announced soon.
The Foundation Tempus invites all those interested to apply for participation in online Erasmus+ information days, which will be held from April 6th to 8th, 2021. The program continues to support various forms of cooperation between institutions and organizations through Calls for projects, and during the Erasmus+ week, we will present to participants the opportunities that institutions and organizations from Serbia have at their disposal in the Call for proposals 2021. More information on registration and other events planned as part of Erasmus+ Week is available here.