EU approves additional €10 million to help the FYROM deal with the refugee crisis


Today, an additional €10 million programme in EU assistance was adopted by the European Commission to help the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia improve its border and migration management systems in the context of the refugee crisis.

Migration is by its very nature a regional issue and the EU is ready to extend the assistance to other Western Balkan countries facing similar challenges.

Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, said: “The refugee crisis has put a particularly high pressure on the countries along the route and Europe must stand united in tackling this situation. This new funding will help the authorities of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to improve border and migration management, and support their costs relating to the guest officers sent by EU Member States and Serbia to the country’s southern border. This support is complementary to the actions taken to support Greece, including through FRONTEX“.


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