EU Delegation Representatives to Visit Newly Constructed Houses for Refugees in Vranje


On Wednesday, 9 September, Head of Cooperation at EU Delegation to Serbia Holger Schroeder, Deputy Mayor of Vranje Dragoljub Stevanovic and representatives of Arbeiter Samariter Bund (ASB) will tour newly constructed houses for refugees of the collective centre Rasadnik in Vranje. Through ASB’s project, European Union funded the construction of eight new houses for families who have spent over 15 years in the said collective centre.

European Union allocated EUR135,000 for the construction of houses for internally displaced persons and refugees in Vranje, thus taking care of 28 people. Durable housing solutions were provided to 177 internally displaced persons through the project implemented by ASB in Vranje, Smederevo and Gadzin Han.


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