EU Donation Delivered to Miksaliste and Info Centre


Early January, European Commission Directorate for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) donated warm clothing and footwear for migrants and refugees in Serbia. The donation comprised 240 winter jackets and 480 pairs of winter shoes and was delivered Wednesday, 6 January 2016, to two locations in Belgrade – Miksaliste and Asylum Info Centre. The delivery has been organised by UN High Commissariat for Refugees (UNHCR) in Serbia. Miksaliste represents a citizens’ initiative launched in mid-2015 to help migrants and refugees arriving in Belgrade, whereas Asylum Info Centre was started as an initiative by local authorities with the support from UNHCR.

In 2015, 500,000 refugees and migrants passed through Serbia. EU supports Serbia in facing the unprecedented migrant inflow and has thus donated more than EUR20 million in the period from September-December 2015.


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