EU facilitated Dialogue: The latest developments regarding the Mitrovica bridge


The agreement on the Mitrovica bridge was reached within the context of the EU facilitated Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in August 2015.

The EU has met with both sides today to clarify pending issues related to the implementation of this agreement.

Both sides agreed to harmonise the designs for the project to revitalise the Mitrovica Bridge and the project to pedestrianise the King Petar Street. They agreed that the roundabout in Mitrovica north will be connect with the pedestrianised King Petar street, allowing for full and unhindered freedom of movement, while addressing concerns related to road safety.

Parties also agreed that the initial design of the roundabout, as agreed in Brussels in August 2015, will be fully adhered to.

The EU will remain in close touch with both sides to ensure implementation of the agreement from August 2015, the implementing agreement from August 2016 and the operational understanding reached today with both sides so that the 20 January deadline for the re-opening of the bridge and the pedestrian street will be met.


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