EU for Serbia: €25 million for vocational education and training


The EU has invested about €25 million to help modernise the VET System in Serbia.

VET reform aims to empower people with skills that are in demand on the job market. The EU helped Serbia develop almost 50 VET profiles which have been piloted or implemented in VET schools in a variety of sectors: agriculture, food production and processing, health, mechanical engineering and metal processing, civil engineering and surveying, and electrical engineering wood processing, tourism and catering.

Since 2003, more than 200 Vocational Education and Training (VET) schools throughout Serbia have been rehabilitated and equipped with European Union’s funds. This support has also enabled to train over 2,000 VET teachers and implement innovation projects. All of this has been done in order for Serbian qualifications to become comparable and ultimately recognised in every EU Member State.

To date, 49 VET schools have been rehabilitated with EU funds, 37 innovation projects were implemented, and IT equipment has been delivered to 153 VET schools. By the end of this year, 74 more schools will receive specialised equipment.

Apart from the assistance to the VET system, the EU has supported education system reform at all levels with €86 million.


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