EU-funded housing reconstruction and economic revitalisation starts in another eight municipalities


The three-million euros EU-funded project entitled “Provision of housing reconstruction and economic revitalisation to most vulnerable flood-affected families in Serbia”, financed from the EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia, begins in September in eight municipalities of the western Serbia. Citizens of Sabac, Sid, Bajina Basta, Loznica, Mali Zvornik, Valjevo, Ljubovija and Osecina hit the most by floods will get renewed homes, but also the chance to relaunch their businesses.

Arbeiter Samariter Bund (ASB) will, together with partners Housing Centre, Initiative for Development and Cooperation and Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, provide houses for 200 families –  reconstructing 170 of them and building 30 new housing units equipped with furniture and house appliances.

“A team made of members from these four organisations will provide agricultural holdings and small and mid-level enterprises with reconstruction of 34 damaged facilities, as well as awarding 100 grants for the relaunch of businesses,” said Mauro Mascioli, the project coordinator.

The EU’s programme of assistance to flood relief in Serbia, worth 30 million EUR, is financed by the European Union from IPA pre-accession funds. The money is allocated for building new homes, reconstruction of state institutions, private houses, roads and revitalizing economy and agriculture in 24 municipalities hit the most by floods: Bajina Basta, Valjevo, Varvarin, Velika Plana, Jagodina, Kosjeric, Koceljeva, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Krupanj, Lazarevac, Loznica, Ljubovija, Mali Zvornik, Obrenovac, Osecina, Paracin, Svilajnac, Smederevska Palanka, Trstenik, Ub, Cacak, Sabac and Sid.

All activities in the field are carried out by the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS), UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), organisations HELP and ASB, as well as Danish Refugee Council (DRC) – in coordination with Serbian Government’s Office for Assistance and Reconstruction of Flooded Areas.


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