EU invests € 63.8 million in new environmental projects across Member States


European Commission announced today an investment of € 63.8 million for the first-ever “Integrated Projects” to be funded under the LIFE programme for the environment.

“Integrated Projects” were introduced to implement environmental legislation on a wider scale and increase the impact of funding for plans developed on the regional, multi-regional or national level.

The six projects selected have a total budget of € 108.7 million, including € 63.8 million of EU co-financing. They could leverage and coordinate over € 1 billion in complementary funding from EU agricultural and regional funds, as well as national and private funds. The money will support projects in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland, Finland, and the UK.

EU Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella said: “This is an example of Europe directly investing in citizens’ quality of life. To best tackle major environmental and health challenges such as air and water pollution or biodiversity loss, existing policies must be made to work towards the same goals.


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