EU invests in Danube Region Strategy-related projects in Serbia


Following its 2011 Strategy for the Danube Region, the EU, together with the Austrian Development Agency, has been financing with 19.5 million euros a project called “Socio-economic Development of the Danube Serbia Region.” The project helps Serbia to promote private investments, create jobs and attract foreign investors through infrastructure development, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport said at the opening of the Third Danube Business Forum in Belgrade.

“Through this project we have already awarded 17 grant contracts amounting to over 3.5 million EUR. Partnerships between municipalities, regional development agencies, business clusters, SMEs and high education institutions will stimulate growth and innovation in Serbia’s regions, strengthen local businesses on domestic and foreign markets,” Davenport said.

“In addition, we have recently started the rehabilitation of the Golubac Fortress and construction of the Veliko Gradište water supply system, worth 11.5 million euros,” he added.

The EU launched Strategy for the Danube Region in order to achieve simultaneous action of nine EU-member states and five non-EU countries on the common challenges – pollution, slow economic development, or security issues.

“Together, we can more efficiently deal with floods or migration. Together, we can exploit opportunities of transport corridors and energy networks, investment and tourism, and in this way we can create new jobs. Together, we can advance stability, security and prosperity for 100 million citizens of this region,” Davenport said.

“The European Union prepared a new regional policy concept, to be financed from the budget for the years 2014-2020. It is our expectation that the Danube Strategy will continue to play an important role and funds will be dedicated towards our common goals.

“We are building a Region that will be more competitive, more prosperous, more ecologically aware and more interconnected – a region which will create jobs and improve living conditions and opportunities for all, and especially for the young people,” Davenport said.

The EU Ambassador handed in a Dunavski cvet (Danube flower) award to nine individuals and organisations who have contributed the most the implementation of projects withing EU’s Danube Strategy.

The Third Danube Business Forum gathered some 800 participants from various fields, including energy, waters, agricultural business and transportation. It is aimed at creating bussiness-friendly atmpsphere, improvement of cooperation, competition and sustainable development as well as better use of economic potential and affirmation of Danube Region’s prosperity.


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