EU PRO Grant Award Ceremony in Kraljevo


The Minister of  European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Jadranka Joksimović and the Director-General for Neighbourhood Relations and Enlargement Negotiations at the European Commission, Mr Christian Danielsson, on March 5, 2019, in Kraljevo will attend the grant certificate award ceremony for entrepreneurs, and micro and small enterprises within the EU funded project EU PRO.

The Head of the European Union Delegation to Serbia, Ambassador Sem Fabrizi and the Mayor of Kraljevo Predrag Terzić will also attend the ceremony which will be held on 5 March, at 13:15 in the Multimedia Centre “Kvart” (Cara Lazara 34) in Kraljevo.

Through the support of the European Union grants are being disbursed to micro and small enterprises in order to enable them to buy new equipment and enhance their productivity. Grants are being given for instance to businesses from the IT sector, as well as to food producers and wood processing industries.

By the end of the project the European Union will have helped altogether 106 micro and small enterprises to boost their production and product quality and create new jobs, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the local economy in Serbia. Throughout the whole project the support of the European Union will enable the purchase of equipment worth over two million Euros for micro and small enterprises.

On March 5th certificates are to be delivered to a group of 68 enterprises operating in Zlatiborski, Kolubarski, Mačvanski, Moravički, Podunavski, Pomoravski, Rasinski, Raški, Toplički and Šumadijski district , which will be supported with close to 1.4 million Euros, while the remaining 38 enterprises signed contracts in Bujanovac on 22 February 2019 in the presence of the Head of the EU Delegation in Serbia, Ambassador Sem Fabrizi.


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